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We've all seen the 3-D images done by NASA and JPL of Mars. They have rather poor depth and don't tell the public which eye is "red", which certainly DOES matter. (Note: The Nasa/JPL photos are in fact RED/LEFT.) Here, however, are images done correctly, by Dan Symmes of Dimension 3, using the original b/w images and his own proprietary anaglyphic system; the same system we used on our 3-D Expo DVD! Note: These images are RED/RIGHT. The glasses from our DVD and/or souvenir book will work just fine. You may also purchase additional glasses. Enjoy!

Mars Opportunity, 2004 (2)
Mars Opportunity, 2004 (2)

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Mars Opportunity, 2004 (1) Mars Opportunity, 2004 (2) Mars Opportunity, 2004 (3) Mars Opportunity, 2004 (4)
Mars Opportunity, 2004 (5) Mars Opportunity, 2004 (6) Mars Opportunity, 2004 (7) Mars Opportunity, 2004 (8)
Mars Opportunity, 2004 (9) Mars Pathfinder, 1998 (Rover01B) Mars Pathfinder, 1998 (Rover01C) Mars Spirit, 2004 (1)
Mars Spirit, 2004 (2) Mars Spirit, 2004 (3) Mars Spirit, 2004 (4) Mars Spirit, 2004 (5)
Mars Spirit, 2004 (6) Mars Spirit, 2004 (7) Mars Spirit, 2004 (8)

The 3-D Film Preservation Fund is a tax exempt 501(c)3 non profit corporation.
© Copyright 2007 3-D Film Preservation Fund. All rights reserved.